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About Us

Qasai App was founded in 2017 as a pet project of Idea Quotient Labs – an IT company.

The team was wondering about cooking some delicious mutton which was very difficult of procure at the time. It remained in beta mode and officially began providing services in August of that year. 

However as we learnt later on – procurement, quality control, logistics and marketing is very difficult in this business category. As new people joined us and left, we learnt some of the very harsh truths of doing business in the space and adapted. We are determined to gain control of a large portion of meaty needs of our service area and are seemingly successful in doing so.

At the moment we own a fulfillment center, a fleet, and a defined service area and a quality control and management all sorted out with high customer satisfaction and ratings.

Currently, Qasai App has dedicated staff and it is registered as Radius Trading. The management is overseen by Mr. Tariq Abdullah, Mr. Nabeel Ahmed and other staff of IQL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Free shipping

All orders covered under free shipping

Reaches within 2 Hours

2 Hour Delivery Guarantee

Consistent Quality

Consistent Quality Delivered Everytime

Halal Products

Only Halal Products are Sold

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